Helping Individuals

Navigate Philanthropy

Angel V. Williams is the President and CEO of The Shine Firm, a philanthropic consulting and advisory firm that specializes in building bridges between business owners, community-based organizations, professional athletes and corporations through events and outreach.
As a Philanthropy Agent®, Angel helps individuals navigate the complex world of philanthropy to impact communities. Powering The Shine Firm, Angel is a legacy builder, engaging, energizing and empowering executives, community leaders and partners worldwide. Her relentless work ethic, selflessness and loyalty continues to “shine” through her life and her work.
My Mission

From Idea To Impact

In 2021
the largest source of
charitable giving
came from individuals at

$ 0 Billion

or 4.9% of total giving

Building Your Philanthropic Portfolio 

1. What will your legacy be?

2. Who do you want to impact?

3. What inspires you to give?

"When writing the story of your life, don’t let anyone else hold the pen."

Schedule Your Consultation Today to Build Your Philanthropic Portfolio

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